LV Power Metrics Monitor
Cresatech PMM is a low cost, scalable solution for collecting real time delivery infrastructure status intelligence from the periphery of the power distribution network.
It monitors the delivery supply cables and network for performance issues, reporting and alerting back to operation centres enabling proactive action to improve service.
- Real time cable damage alerting
- Faster fault resolution
- Minimise service down time
- Improved customer service
- Improved public safety
- Proactively alert customers service is down or faulty
- Root cause analysis
- Intelligence led engineer dispatch
PMM monitors and alerts in real time, service power changes and failures, and when LV cables have been damaged or stolen.
Designed to be mounted at small substations, on electrical supply poles and the outside of site buildings, the PMM remote unit monitors single or three phase supply lines. Data is collected by wireless communication for cloud based central analysis of the monitoring information.
PMM analysis will determine the type of event causing the compromised service; distinguishing between events such as: LV cable damage from a tree falling, cable vandalism and theft, a failure within the distribution infrastructure or a widespread supply issue. PMM includes a cellular modem which is used to communicate alerts and configure/manage the unit.
PMM measures
- Voltages of all lines relative to Earth, potted down and transient protected before going into ADC inputs.
- Voltages sampled at 4 points in each mains cycle. Each point is separated by ¼ of a cycle (90°), allowing for true amplitude to be determined as well as exact relative phase angles between all lines
- Offsets are completely eliminated with this technique and it allows for detection of floating lines.
- 90° sample separation can be accurately determined by means of mains frequency measurement and phase-locking in software.
- Perform occasional detailed waveform analysis (storing a whole waveform).
PMM delivers
- LV Service down notification
- Monitoring for LV phase voltage(s)
- Delivered Frequency of Phase(s)
- Power Factor
- Peak demand