
Copper Theft from Eskom and Telkom

Five suspects between the ages of 24 and 45 have been arrested for their involvement in the theft of 2 470 kilogrammes of copper and aluminium cables, Bedfordview Edenvale News reports.

Trains Between Cumbria and Lancaster Delayed Because of Copper Cable Theft

Rail services have been cancelled or delayed because of signalling copper cable theft from train lines near Lancaster.
Trains between Lancaster and Barrow will be delayed by at least 10 minutes

Aluminium and Copper Theft from a Met-Ed Substation

A homeless man has been arrested in connection with aluminium and copper theft from a Met-Ed substation in Berks County.
The suspect was charged Tuesday with burglary, conspiracy, criminal trespass, receiving stolen property, theft of secondary metal, and criminal mischief.

Copper Theft Shuts Down O-Train

Copper theft has once again forced the shutdown of O-Train service on the Trillium Line, OC Transpo has confirmed.
The line has been out of commission since 7:30 a.m. Tuesday 3rd July. Ottawa police are investigating.